Results for 'Anila Amber Malik'

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  1.  9
    Mental health issues in caregivers of cancer patients.Anila Mukhtar, Anila Amber Malik & Ayesha Rasool - 2016 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55 (1):53-62.
    Cancer, a terminal illness, has long been a focus of attention due to its fatal nature. Its diagnosis results in distress not only to the patients and physicians, but also the families and caregivers involved. This distress is of a multifaceted nature, including psychological, financial and physical distress. The present paper aims to explore mental health issues that specifically influence cancer patients’ caregivers. However, in a country like Pakistan literature is not very rich regarding the mentioned issue. Therefore, giving rise (...)
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    I—Amber D. Carpenter: Ethics of Substance.Amber D. Carpenter - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):145-167.
    Aristotle bequeathed to us a powerful metaphysical picture, of substances in which properties inhere. The picture has turned out to be highly problematic in many ways; but it is nevertheless a picture not easy to dislodge. Less obvious are the normative tones implicit in the picture and the way these permeate our system of values, especially when thinking of ourselves and our ambitions, hopes and fears. These have proved, if anything, even harder to dislodge than the metaphysical picture which supports (...)
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    Race in the Microbiome.Amber Benezra - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (5):877-902.
    Microbiome science asserts humans are made up of more microbial cells and genes than human ones, and that each person harbors their own unique microbial population. Human microbiome studies gesture toward the post-racial aspirations of personalized medicine—characterizing states of human health and illness microbially. By viewing humans as “supraorganisms” made up of millions of microbial partners, some microbiome science seems to disrupt binding historical categories often grounded in racist biology, allowing interspeciality to supersede race. But inevitably, unexamined categories of race (...)
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  4. Value-Enhancing Capabilities of CSR: A Brief Review of Contemporary Literature.Mahfuja Malik - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):419-438.
    This study reviews and synthesizes the contemporary business literature that focuses on the role of corporate social responsibility to enhance firm value. The main objective of this review is to proffer a precise understanding of what has already been investigated and the findings of those investigations regarding the value-enhancing capabilities of CSR for public firms. In addition, this review identifies gaps in the existing literature, evaluates inconsistent findings, discusses possible data sources for empirical researchers, and provides direction for exploring other (...)
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    A Foreword By Charles Malik.Charles Malik - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (1):8-8.
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    Prenatal Genetic Screening, Epistemic Justice, and Reproductive Autonomy.Amber Knight & Joshua Miller - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (1):1-21.
    Noninvasive prenatal testing promises to enhance women's reproductive autonomy by providing genetic information about the fetus, especially in the detection of genetic impairments like Down syndrome. In practice, however, NIPT provides opportunities for intensified manipulation and control over women's reproductive decisions. Applying Miranda Fricker's concept of epistemic injustice to prenatal screening, this article analyzes how medical professionals impair reproductive decision-making by perpetuating testimonial injustice. They do so by discrediting positive parental testimony about what it is like to raise a child (...)
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    Psychoanalysis as a subversive phenomenon: social change, virtue ethics, and analytic theory.Amber M. Trotter - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Psychoanalysis as a Subversive Phenomenon, Amber M. Trotter explores processes of social change, highlights the role of ethics, and illuminates ways in which analytic theory and practice can disrupt contemporary American culture.
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  8. Pleasure as Genesis in Plato’s Philebus.Amber D. Carpenter - 2011 - Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):73-94.
    Socrates’ claim that pleasure is a γένεσις unifies the Philebus’ conception of pleasure. Close examination of the passage reveals an emphasis on metaphysical-normative dependency in γένεσις. Seeds for such an emphasis were sown in the dialogue’s earlier discussion of μεικτά, thus linking the γένεσις claim to Philebus’ description of pleasure as ἄπειρον. False pleasures illustrate the radical dependency of pleasure on outside determinants. I end tying together the Philebus’ three descriptions of pleasure: restoration, indefinite, and γένεσις.
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    Democratizing Disability: Achieving Inclusion (without Assimilation) through “Participatory Parity”.Amber Knight - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (1):97-114.
    More than two decades after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act , people with disabilities continue to live at the margins of American democracy and capitalist society. This persistent exclusion poses a conundrum to political theorists committed to disability rights, multiculturalism, and social justice. Drawing from feminist insights, specifically the work of Nancy Fraser, among others, I examine the necessary conditions for meaningful inclusion to be realized within a deliberative democracy. Using Fraser's concept of “participatory parity” as a (...)
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    The actorʼs view of automated planning and acting: A position paper.Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau & Paolo Traverso - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 208 (C):1-17.
  11.  20
    Reply to fudin and lembessis's critique of Malik and paraherakis's commentary regarding the capacity of the unconscious.Rajesh Malik & Antonios Paraherakis - 2001 - Perceptual and Motor Skills 92 (1):299-300.
  12. Rethinking Religious Epistemology.Amber L. Griffioen - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (1):21-47.
    This article uses recent work in philosophy of science and social epistemology to argue for a shift in analytic philosophy of religion from a knowledge-centric epistemology to an epistemology centered on understanding. Not only can an understanding-centered approach open up new avenues for the exploration of largely neglected aspects of the religious life, it can also shed light on how religious participation might be epistemically valuable in ways that knowledge-centered approaches fail to capture. Further, it can create new opportunities for (...)
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  13. Questioning Krishna's Kantianism.Amber D. Carpenter - unknown
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  14. The methods of mathematics.Amber Habib - 2022 - In Gita Chadha & Renny Thomas (eds.), Mapping scientific method: disciplinary narrations. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    What We Miss, or Ignore, or Refuse to See.Amber Jensen - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (1):84-88.
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    The Role of Pentecostalism in Democratic Development. A Case Study of Brazil.Amber Johansen - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):236-262.
    The transition to democracy in Brazil has created a competitive religous environment which is causing religious shifting away from Catholicism. The Evangelical community, of which Pentecostalism is a subset, has been growing over the last few decades and is providing alternative structures for social and political expression previously denied to many. Pentecostal churches are building community networks and strengthening civil society in a way that is giving many of Brazil’s marginalized access and legitimacy. The focus of this paper is to (...)
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    Global Sovereignty.Suhail Malik - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):512-517.
    Taking globalization to be in large part a consequence of American domination, we follow Derrida's characterization of this domination as being a mode of sovereignty of world-scale institutions and force. Such sovereignty, which is also a roguery, is the primary actual condition for a global knowledge. Bataille's characterization of rogue sovereignty, however, proposes that knowledge is eclipsed under such a condition by an experience that is irreducibly an unknowing. Knowledge is thus corroded by – or, at best, in a critical (...)
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  18. La defensa de la diversidad.Kenan Malik - 2020 - In Manuel Arias-Maldonado (ed.), En busca del presente: veinte años de ensayo y pensamiento contemporáneo en la revista Letras Libres. Ciudad de México, México: Gris Tormenta.
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    The Magnitude of the Challenge.Charles Malik - 1952 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 27 (4):485-499.
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    The wonder of being.Charles Habib Malik - 1974 - Waco, Tex.,: Word Books.
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    Afro-American Socio-Psycho Resistance Against Oppression of Identity.Amber Mushtaq - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (10).
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    Saṃskr̥ta cintana paramparā meṃ lakshaṇa vimarśa.Anila Kumāra Sinhā - 2018 - Dillī (Bhārata): Āsthā Prakāśana.
    Critical study of sementics (philosophy) and metaphor in Indic philosophy, Sanskit grammar and Sanskrit poetics.
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    Negotiating the limits of teacher agency: constructed constraints vs. capacity to act in preservice teachers’ descriptions of teaching emergent bilingual learners.Amber N. Warren & Natalia A. Ward - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (5):539-555.
    This study analyzes discussions from online language teacher education to understand how conversations between monolingual and bilingual preservice teachers (PSTs) in the US create and delimit structural constraints on teachers’ agency, (re)positioning teachers’ capacity to act in the instruction of emergent bilingual students (EBs). Employing positioning theory within a critical discursive psychology approach, findings demonstrate how bilingual PSTs pushed back on structural constraints introduced as potential barriers to achieving linguistic pluralism in monolingual teachers’ posts, asserting teachers’ agency by simultaneously positioning (...)
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    The Effects of Metaphorical Framing on Political Persuasion: A Systematic Literature Review.Amber Boeynaems, Christian Burgers, Elly A. Konijn & Gerard J. Steen - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (2):118-134.
    ABSTRACTEffects of metaphorical framing of political issues on opinion have been studied widely by two approaches: a critical-discourse approach and a response-elicitation approach. The current article reports a systematic literature review that examines whether these approaches report converging or diverging effects. We compared CDA and REA on the metaphorical frames that were studied and their reported effects. Results show that the CDA frames are typically more negative, nonfictional, and extreme than REA frames. Reported effects in CDA and REA studies differ (...)
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  25.  29
    How Technology Features Influence Public Response to New Agrifood Technologies.Amber Ronteltap, Machiel J. Reinders, Suzanne M. Van Dijk, Sanne Heijting, Ivo A. Van der Lans & Lambertus A. P. Lotz - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (4):643-672.
    New agrifood technologies are often difficult to grasp for the public, which may lead to resistance or even rejection. Insight into which technology features determine public acceptability of the technology could offer guidelines for responsible technology development. This paper systematically assesses the relative importance of specific technology features for consumer response in the agrifood domain in two consecutive studies. Prominent technology features were selected from expert judgment and literature. The effects of these features on consumer evaluation were tested in a (...)
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  26.  43
    Phosphatidylinositol 3,5‐bisphosphate: Low abundance, high significance.Amber J. McCartney, Yanling Zhang & Lois S. Weisman - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):52-64.
    Recent studies of the low abundant signaling lipid, phosphatidylinositol 3,5‐bisphosphate (PI(3,5)P2), reveal an intriguingly diverse list of downstream pathways, the intertwined relationship between PI(3,5)P2 and PI5P, as well as links to neurodegenerative diseases. Derived from the structural lipid phosphatidylinositol, PI(3,5)P2 is dynamically generated on multiple cellular compartments where interactions with an increasing list of effectors regulate many cellular pathways. A complex of proteins that includes Fab1/PIKfyve, Vac14, and Fig4/Sac3 mediates the biosynthesis of PI(3,5)P2, and mutations that disrupt complex function and/or (...)
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  27.  51
    Universal Basic Income and the Natural Environment: Theory and Policy.Amber Vibert & Timothy MacNeill - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (1).
    We analyze the environmental implications of basic income programs through literature review, government documents, pilot studies, and interviews eliciting expert knowledge. We consider existing knowledge and then use a grounded approach to produce theory on the relationship between a basic income guarantee and environmental protection/damage. We find that very little empirical or theoretical work has been done on this relationship and that theoretical arguments can be made for both positive and negative environmental impacts. Ultimately, this implies, the environmental impact of (...)
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  28.  21
    How to cross the rubicon without falling in: Michel Henry, Søren Kierkegaard, and new phenomenology.Amber Bowen - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (4-5):465-481.
    ABSTRACTThroughout his published work, Michel Henry expresses a deep appreciation for the writings of Kierkegaard, using them as an inspirational foundation for much of his own thought. However, Henry claims to be far more Kierkegaardian than he really is. Henry’s peers have identified several philosophical and theological deficiencies in Henry’s thought. These places of weakness also happen to be his most obvious points of departure from Kierkegaard. A Kierkegaardian confrontation with Henry demands a retrieval of the Infinite Qualitative Difference between (...)
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  29. Kant, the State, and Revolution.Reidar Maliks - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (1):29-47.
    This paper argues that, although no resistance or revolution is permitted in the Kantian state, very tyrannical regimes must not be obeyed because they do not qualify as states. The essay shows how a state ceases to be a state, argues that persons have a moral responsibility to judge about it and defends the compatibility of this with Kantian authority. The reconstructed Kantian view has implications for how we conceive authority and obligation. It calls for a morally demanding definition of (...)
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    Do Infants Learn Words From Statistics? Evidence From English‐Learning Infants Hearing Italian.Amber Shoaib, Tianlin Wang, Jessica F. Hay & Jill Lany - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):3083-3099.
    Infants are sensitive to statistical regularities (i.e., transitional probabilities, or TPs) relevant to segmenting words in fluent speech. However, there is debate about whether tracking TPs results in representations of possible words. Infants show preferential learning of sequences with high TPs (HTPs) as object labels relative to those with low TPs (LTPs). Such findings could mean that only the HTP sequences have a word‐like status, and they are more readily mapped to a referent for that reason. But these findings could (...)
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    Therapeutic Theodicy? Suffering, Struggle, and the Shift from the God’s-Eye View.Amber L. Griffioen - 2018 - Religions 9:99ff..
    From a theoretical standpoint, the problem of human suffering can be understood as one formulation of the classical problem of evil, which calls into question the compatibility of the existence of a perfect God with the extent to which human beings suffer. Philosophical responses to this problem have traditionally been posed in the form of theodicies, or justifications of the divine. In this article, I argue that the theodical approach in analytic philosophy of religion exhibits both morally and epistemically harmful (...)
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  32. Indian Buddhist Philosophy: Metaphysics as Ethics.Amber D. Carpenter - 2013 - Durham: Routledge.
    Development of Buddhist thought in India; 1. The Buddha’s suffering; 2. Practice and theory of no-self; 3. Kleśas and compassion; 4. The second Buddha’s greater vehicle; 5. Karmic questions; 6. Irresponsible selves, responsible non-selves; 7. The third turning: Yogācāra; 8. The long sixth to seventh century: epistemology as ethics; I. Perception and conception: the changing face ofultimate reality; II. Evaluating reasons: Naiyāyikas and Diṅnāga. III. Madhyamaka response to Yogācāra IV. Percepts and concepts: Apoha 1 ; V. Efficacy: Apoha 2 ; (...)
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  33. Persons Keeping Their Karma Together.Amber D. Carpenter - 2015 - In Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield & Graham Priest (eds.), The Moon Points Back. Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter aims to reconstruct the philosophical motivation for the pudgalavāda or “Personalist” Buddhist view that the person is ultimately real. It argues that the ultraminimalism of the Abhidharma is too minimal to account for crucial features of personhood—especially its capacity to construct unities out of pluralities. The Buddhist Personalist insists that the individuation of person-constituting continua must be an ultimately real fact, not something we project onto or construct out of ultimate reality. That certain ultimate particulars really do belong (...)
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  34. Moral understanding and knowledge.Amber Riaz - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):113-128.
    Moral understanding is a species of knowledge. Understanding why an action is wrong, for example, amounts to knowing why the action is wrong. The claim that moral understanding is immune to luck while moral knowledge is not does not withstand scrutiny; nor does the idea that there is something deep about understanding for there are different degrees of understanding. It is also mistaken to suppose that grasping is a distinct psychological state that accompanies understanding. To understand why something is the (...)
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    Phronesis in Medical Ethics: Courage and Motivation to Keep on the Track of Rightness in Decision-Making.Aisha Malik, Mervyn Conroy & Chris Turner - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):158-175.
    Ethical decision making in medicine has recently seen calls to move towards less prescriptive- based approaches that consider the particularities of each case. The main alternative call from the literature is for better understanding of phronesis concepts applied to decision making. A well-cited phronesis-based approach is Kaldjian’s five-stage theoretical framework: goals, concrete circumstances, virtues, deliberation and motivation to act. We build on Kaldjian’s theory after using his framework to analyse data collected from a three-year empirical study of phronesis and the (...)
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    Assessing Freshman Engineering Students’ Understanding of Ethical Behavior.Amber M. Henslee, Susan L. Murray, Gayla R. Olbricht, Douglas K. Ludlow, Malcolm E. Hays & Hannah M. Nelson - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):287-304.
    Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is on the rise in colleges, particularly among engineering students. While students decide to engage in these behaviors for many different reasons, academic integrity training can help improve their understanding of ethical decision making. The two studies outlined in this paper assess the effectiveness of an online module in increasing academic integrity among first semester engineering students. Study 1 tested the effectiveness of an academic honesty tutorial by using a between groups design with a (...)
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    Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human by Alexander G. Weheliye.Amber Jamilla Musser - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (1):156-160.
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  38. AI and the expert; a blueprint for the ethical use of opaque AI.Amber Ross - 2022 - AI and Society (2022):Online.
    The increasing demand for transparency in AI has recently come under scrutiny. The question is often posted in terms of “epistemic double standards”, and whether the standards for transparency in AI ought to be higher than, or equivalent to, our standards for ordinary human reasoners. I agree that the push for increased transparency in AI deserves closer examination, and that comparing these standards to our standards of transparency for other opaque systems is an appropriate starting point. I suggest that a (...)
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    How pre-service teachers’ sense of teaching efficacy and preparedness to teach impact performance during student teaching.Amber L. Brown, Joyce Myers & Denise Collins - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-21.
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    Investing in the Frontlines: Why Trusting and Supporting Communities of Color Will Help Address Gun Violence.Amber K. Goodwin & T. J. Grayson - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):164-171.
    This article proposes potential strategies to address gun violence in communities of color while identifying the harms associated with a policing-centered, criminal legal approach. In addition to highlighting the dangers associated with the United States' current criminal legal tactics to reduce gun violence in these communities, the authors advocate for community-endorsed strategies that give those impacted by this issue the resources to take on gun violence in their own communities. Specifically, they identify, describe, and endorse a series of violence prevention (...)
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  41.  69
    Religious Experience and Special Divine Action.Amber L. Griffioen - 2017 - The Special Divine Action Project.
    This micro-summary and extended overview for the Special Divine Action Project discusses the connection between divine action and religious experience.
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  42. Truthiness, Self-Deception, and Intuitive Knowledge.Amber Griffioen - 2009 - In Jason Holt (ed.), The Daily Show and Philosophy: Moments of Zen in the Art of Fake News. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 227-239.
    Analysis of Stephen Colbert's notion of 'truthiness' and its connection to epistemic irrationality and self-deception.
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    Does Neuroplasticity Support the Hypothesis of Multiple Realizability?Amber Maimon & Meir Hemmo - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (1):107-127.
    It is commonly maintained that neuroplastic mechanisms in the brain provide empirical support for the hypothesis of multiple realizability. We show in various case studies that neuroplasticity stems from preexisting mechanisms and processes inherent in the neural structure of the brain. We argue that not only does neuroplasticity fail to provide empirical evidence of multiple realization, its inability to do so strengthens the mind-body identity theory. Finally, we argue that a recently proposed identity theory called Flat Physicalism can be enlisted (...)
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    (2 other versions)Incorporating the Activity of Philosophy into Social Studies.Amber Makaiau - 2013 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 13:15-17.
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    (1 other version)Avec respect pour les cultures, sans respect pour les frontières.Anila Angjeli - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 66 (2):, [ p.].
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    Sensitized luminescence of SrS:Dy,Cu,Cl phosphor.E. I. Anila & M. K. Jayaraj - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (27):3641-3648.
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  47. What it means to be “better:” The role of comparison language in social comparison.Amber N. Bloomfield & Jessica M. Choplin - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  48. Inspirations: The beautiful life of faith: A liturgical reading of Fear and trembling.Amber Bowen - 2023 - In Joeri Schrijvers & Martin Koci (eds.), in God and Phenomenology: Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
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  49. Colonialism, neoliberalism, and university-community engagement: what sorts of encounters with difference are our institutions prioritizing?Amber Dean - 2015 - In Caitlin Janzen, Kristin Smith & Donna Jeffery (eds.), Unravelling encounters: ethics, knowledge, and resistance under neoliberalism. Toronto, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
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  50. Flows of loss and desire.Amber Dean - 2025 - In Alison Crosby (ed.), Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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